Receive six of our Bible Verse Novelty knives. Our choice means that they can be any of the religious quotes we have available, randomly selected and sent to you.

CCN-59081 - O/C Bible Verse Pen Knives (6pc)
O/C BIBLE6 - Our Choice Bible Novelties 6 Pk

O/C Bible Verse Pen Knives

6 pieces

Similar Products by Keyword:
Retail Value $192.96
  • item #


  • Configuration:


  • Brand:

    Frost Cutlery

  • Handle Material:

    Composite (White)


What You'll Receive:

Our Choice Bible Novelties 6 Pk

Our Choice Bible Novelties 6 Pk (x6)

Item # O/C BIBLE6
Brand: Frost Cutlery
Configuration: Our Choice Item
Handle Material: Composite (White)
Retail $32.16
  • Brass Pins
  • Etched Handle
  • Stainless Steel Blade
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