
Want to customize an order?
We can put any short text or logo on nearly any product in the warehouse. All we need is a medium-to-high-resolution image*, or a written copy of the text to be added.

Call 1-800-251-7768
Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm

Ask for a sales rep who specializes in customization.

*Images must be at least 600x600 pixels

Laser Etch

Laser etching is by far the most popular of our methods, as it is inexpensive and many times faster than any other customization.

The image may be placed on any non-ceramic blade, stainless steel handles, or metallic bolsters.
Setup Fee
Min. Order

*Waived on laser etching orders of 72 or more.
**Price is per location on the knife (ie. blade, handle, and bolster).

Deep Etch

Deep etching allows the image being >applied to be colored using an oil-based glossy enamel. Turnaround is much slower than laser etching, but the results are quite stunning. Deep etching can only be performed on metallic surfaces.

Setup Fee
Price (one color)
Price (multiple colors)
Min. Order
25 pcs.
*Price is per location on the knife (ie. blade, handle, and bolster).

Pad Print

Pad printing can be used to apply a multi-colored image on a non-metallic surface... usually a smoothbone or composite handle.

Setup Fee
Price (one color)
Price (multiple colors)
Min. Order
25 pcs.
*Price is per location on the knife (ie. blade, handle, and bolster).

Order a Bone Crusher and receive Free Ground Shipping on your entire order.
*NOTICE* - will be going offline for data center migration at or around 11pm EST on Fri, Feb 28. Checkout will be unavailable until 6am EST on Sat.