The Buffalo Nickel, officially known as the Indian Head Nickel, is a beloved and enduring coin in American numismatic history, minted by the United States from 1913 to 1938. Renowned for its unique and rustic design, the coin's obverse features the noble profile of a Native American chief, inspired by a composite of several indigenous leaders. The reverse showcases a powerful and majestic American bison, often referred to as a buffalo, in a naturalistic setting. This coin, designed by sculptor James Earle Fraser, is celebrated for its intricate details and artistic craftsmanship, serving as a lasting symbol of America's frontier heritage. Collectors and enthusiasts are drawn to its charm, making the Buffalo Nickel a cherished piece of numismatic artistry and American culture. Coin collectors are gonna love this 20 piece Buffalo Nickel Collection! Stock is limited, so pop this in your cart today!

CCN-105839 - Buffalo Nickel Pack (20pcs)
BUFFALO-20 - 20 Pack Buffalo Nickel

Buffalo Nickel Pack

20 pieces

Retail Value $89.95
Your Price: $40.00
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What You'll Receive:

20 Pack Buffalo Nickel

20 Pack Buffalo Nickel (x1)

Item # BUFFALO-20
Brand: Unspecified
Retail $89.95
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